Saturday, February 25, 2012

Stock Trading Computer

In stock trading, the rise of the market transactions online has become quite prevalent over the past few years. Many institutional investors prefer to use sophisticated computer technology to assist them in making investment decisions. And many people argue that computers may just be better at picking stocks than traditional human brokers.

Technology has outdone itself these days. May it be in simple means of communicating or in much more complicated business or moneymaking transactions, the use of the computer has become very apparent in most people’s lives. Although computers may perform a lot of sophisticated utilities, you may wonder whether or not these can really be better aids for trading as compared to traditional brokers. At the end of the day, remember that what technology has to offer are mere recommendations and ultimately, the decision is still up to you.

One of the most common arguments that many people who choose to make use of computer technology in trading is that by not having to deal with many emotions that human brokers may have in stock picking, then computers can offer more objective recommendations to the investor.

Because most computer programs cater to quantitative models by searching through layers of data to look for stocks that are compatible to be bought or sold, then the computer’s lack of the ability to become confused from human emotions can be very beneficial. Remember that by taking out human emotions like pride or greed, choosing the right investments in quantitative models can perhaps become more lucrative.

No System Is Perfect

Though computers can be very promising tools in trading, take note that no system is always perfect. Since humans are still responsible for building the said models in which computers revolve in, there fundamentally are still biases in the system. And even the most sophisticated computers cannot always report for all the variances out there in the market, at least, not at the moment.

One very common problem encountered with the use of computers is that may times, computer programs often end up recommending the same stocks on their lists. And if a hundred of these programs analyze companies at the same time, then they would most likely be giving the same recommendations to so many clients. And at the end of the day, investors would still have to fight for stocks.

When many people generally want to invest in the same stock and the demand goes up, what happens in the market is that prices also go up, and this can be very bad for the investor. So, the ultimate question is whether or not computers are really helpful in making trading much easier for you. The answer to this is yes and no. Although computers can surely help you in so many ways by foregoing of the usual distracting human emotions and can even analyze data much faster, remember that it is still a system that has yet to be perfected. And despite the many benefits, there are underlying flaws that can still make the trading game a jungle to get involved in.

The stock market with its unpredictable behavior can surely be a difficult arena to take on. And so, take note that whatever assistance you would want to use, whether sophisticated computer equipment or more traditional brokers, at the end of the day, your decisions would still be the make or break factor in order to become successful in your endeavors.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Basics Of Trading In Stock Market

The concept of trading fundamentally consists of the buying and selling of stocks among individuals or companies through brokers. Through buying a share of stock or a share of ownership in a particular company, an individual can then benefit and earn money from however the company they invested on may fair in the market. The most common picture that comes to mind when people hear about stock trading is the one we see in movies where men in suits basically shout and wrestle each other in some huge New York building to bicker about money. Although to some extent, there is some truth to this image, trading in the stock market is actually a more complex concept that helps many people earn money and keep businesses alive.

There are two basic methods in which the stock market operates; on the exchange floor where buying and selling is done more traditionally and electronically where technology takes on the exchange game.

Trading On The Exchange Floor
The trading that occurs on the more traditional exchange floor of the New York Stock Exchange is basically what most of us have become accustomed to from seeing it in the movies and on television. Basically, the NYSE consists of many brokers who negotiate the deals for individuals to be able to trade stocks.

As chaotic as the stock exchange floor may seem, there is actually a common pattern that occurs among most simple trades. First, an order to buy a certain number of stocks would be negotiated through a broker. After this, the broker’s order department would forward this arrangement to their floor clerk on the exchange. The floor clerk would then inform the company’s floor traders in order to find other traders that are willing to sell the equal number of stocks from the company that is offered to be bought. After the two parties agree on a price and close the deal, the message would be forwarded back up the line, and the broker would then inform the interested buyer on the final price.

Negotiations may take a few minutes or even longer, depending on the performance of the stocks as well as the market. For more complex trades and larger orders of stocks however, there may be a more complicated process but the principles basically remain the same.

Trading Electronically
A growing trend these days however, is trading stocks electronically, which is done through advanced computerized systems. Unlike the NYSE that generally operates through the manpower of brokers, its counterpart, the National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations (NASDAQ), trades stocks completely through electronic means.

These electronic markets forgo with human stockbrokers and instead make use of advanced computer networks to match buyers and sellers. And through this method, transactions are usually faster and more efficient. Through electronic trading, investors get many benefits such as being able to get faster confirmations, as well as facilitating control by having online investing readily available through the Internet. However, brokers basically still handle the trades, as investors do not have direct access to the electronic markets.

The process that takes place in both methods however is usually hidden from investors. Typically, if you are an investor, a call from your broker and regular reports on your stock investments would be provided for you, but you will not really get to see what is happening behind the scenes.

Through the investments that individuals make, many businesses are kept afloat and running. And in exchange for this, investors get a fair share of earnings. Stock trading may be a complex process, but at the end of the day, many people basically benefit from all of it. As a result, the whole concept becomes simple.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

When To Sell Your Stocks

It is only smart if you are an investor to not only think about purchasing or buying stock shares and to stop at that. There really must be a certain degree of preparation on your part to be willing to sell your investment at some time. After all, if your investment no longer proves to be practical for you to keep, then selling it may be the best move for you. Sometimes, you may realize that selling can really be more practical than holding on to something that may cost you more in the long run. Let us learn why and when you should sell stocks.

One very major reason that you may need to consider selling your investment is when it has gone sour by under performing in the market. There may come a time when investing on certain stocks may even cost you more than the actual gains that you get in return.

There are times however, when you do not necessarily have to sell within the instant. Make sure that you check possible reasons why your stock has not been doing well, certain factors like the wrong market timing or the occurrence of certain changes within the company may normally cause some decline in stock behavior. But when you have noticed that your stock has not been meeting your expectations for a consecutive number of trading quarters, and then it may certainly be wiser to just save yourself from a bad investment.

Another good reason to sell your stock is when there is a better opportunity available in the market. This is a frequent reason for many people to sell stocks and may create a churning in an investor’s portfolio, which may mean that the investor’s account extremely active through frequently purchasing and selling in order to generate profits. As what has been previously mentioned, once you believe that an investment has truly gone sour and it would be quite difficult to rise above the decline, then the best option for you would certainly be selling and looking for better opportunities available.

Lastly, another of the most common reasons why you should sell your stock is when you have lost your belief in your investment. If you have lost or have already met your reasons for investing, then, it may be normal for you to feel that you should sell your stock.

There may be many reasons for you to invest on stocks and some of these may perhaps be the possibility that you want to gain commissions from a certain company or perhaps you truly believe in a certain company’s product. However, when the time comes wherein you no longer believe in investing in your stocks or you have lost your reasons to do so, then selling your shares may be the right thing to do.

Remember that for you to be successful in stock trading, you must be prepared with the many highs and lows of the game. Keep in mind these reasons stated above on when you should consider selling your stocks and perhaps, the selling option could be a great route for you to rise above declines.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

How To Find A Good Stock Broker

Choosing a stockbroker for trading may certainly be difficult and even overwhelming at times. But as long as you take in mind the important factors mentioned here, then you just might be able to find the right broker that can be of valuable help to you. The stock market is a good moneymaking playground to join these days, but often times it may seem all too chaotic and confusing, especially to those who are new to it. With too many options to consider, making decisions in stock trading in this arena can be a challenge, and finding a good broker to help you make the right choices can just be as difficult.

In choosing a stock broker, be sure to consider a few of these very important factors that may help you determine whether a broker can truly help you achieve success in trading.

Every online broker has a set of tools and features that will be integrated in your trading account. Some trading accounts may even offer you additional features, but sometimes, these may cost you extra. Find a broker that offers you features that you believe will benefit your trading transactions, as well as your budget.

An application called the streamer, which includes tools for streaming charts, and streaming data should usually be included in your account. This allows you to see behaviors in the stock market, such as the latest real time prices.

There are even streamers that can simplify the process by directly allowing you to buy and sell stocks without having to open other websites. Such features can be very helpful in making trades.

Take note that all brokers charge fees for commissions, which are the costs to trade by buying and selling stocks. You can be charged with a commission fee twice, first when you buy a stock and second when you sell that same stock.

Aside from the commission fee, you will also be charged with a minimum initial deposit, and this can range from $500 to around $10,000. But if the balance in your account is less than the minimum, then your broker may charge a monthly or quarterly fee that may range from around $10 to $20 or higher per payment

Make sure that in choosing a broker, you should first consider that you could actually afford fees that will be charged to you.

It also wouldn’t hurt if you choose a broker that is more popular and known. In this way, you would be able to review their performance in the market through checking out reviews and hearing what other people have to say.

There is a huge chance that when a broker has achieved popularity, that it performs quite well in the market. Aside from this, popularity may also indicate experience in trading. Of course, you would certainly prefer to get help from a trader that has sufficient knowledge and experience in the industry. Through this, you would at least be assured that you are getting good help in making trades.

Remember to first and foremost consider your needs as a trader and whether or not the broker you are eyeing will be able to meet these needs. Financial factors, services, knowledge and experience in the online trading market are very vital for you to garner success in this arena.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Smart Stock Investments

Getting to know the right stocks to gamble your money on is very critical. And in doing so, it is very important that you understand how the company you are giving your investment to makes a substantial amount of money. Unless you have a full grasp on a company’s market, products as well as its competitive strengths and weaknesses, it would be pretty difficult for you to foresee whether or not your investment is profitable.

The very first step that you must take is basically to get the right people to help you in making good and lucrative decisions. First of all, find a good broker where you do not only gain a lot of savings from commission fees, but also make sure that you find one that will assure you of your investment’s production.

It also wouldn’t hurt for you to seek advice from experts regarding which stocks would give you good results in the stock market. If you are new to stock trading, this will be very vital. Remember that in order to be good in trading, sufficient experience and skills are needed, but for a beginner, using the knowledge and advice from a more experienced person may be the next best thing.

Try taking a trip to the mall and see which type of businesses are doing well in the market. It could also help if you check your own cupboard to see which products consumers like you would most often buy. By doing these things, you can find companies that could not only give you an assurance of success, but ones that you can possibly understand better as well.

Take note that you should not stop at only understanding companies that you invest in. Make sure that you check on a company’s strength in competing in the business world as well. After all, you may know and believe in the product, but if it will not assure you of profit then your investment will still go down the drain.

A company you invest in must be able to display excellent economics. Having an attractive price for consumers as well as a management that is friendly to shareholders can guarantee good returns for your investment. Remember that stock trading can be a very good way to earn, but remember that good returns can only come if you are smart in doing business in this confusing field. The market is full of competitors, and many stocks available are not necessarily good ones.

With the ever changing and volatile behavior of the stock market, make sure that you remain smart in your investments. Take the extra mile, and you will realize that all of your efforts will pay off once you get good profits. Always do your research on the companies you invest in before making rash decisions. Aside from this, make sure that you adopt the best strategies in the market, and you can do so by getting the right help especially if you are new to trading.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Stock Trading Advice

Trading in the stock exchange is not a simple matter. It can be very challenging and may require a lot of time, knowledge, skills, and patience. If you do not practice trading in a smart and strategic manner, you will surely end up losing more than what you have bargained for.

Here are some advices to improve your chances in successful stock trading. Let us discuss what these things are and how they can help you in smart trading.

Trade With Money That You Can Manage To Lose
Stock trading can be quite a gamble. Your chances of earning can just about equal to your chances of losing, and in some cases, there are even greater risks of losing more. Money that you will need for survival should never be used in trades.

Because most trading markets can be very unpredictable, make sure that you make use of money that you can afford to lose. It may be too risky to invest money that you will badly need for your daily living or for your future. Always take note of the risks involved and what you are particularly risking in the exchange.

Always Trade In Reasonable Sizes
Some markets in the exchange are able to allow individuals to trade very large amounts of leverage. And so, a lot of people trade in large quantities in order to assure larger profits. However, doing this may also open up the possibility of losing money in such large quantities as well.

It is always wiser to scale your trades in order to lessen risks. Never trade sizes that can wipe you out of all your money. And you would have nothing to lose if you actually start small, and grow your transactions from there.

Identify Market States Before Trading
It is also very vital that you are aware of how the market is doing before you start trading. Take time to find out if trends are going up or down. If you know whether the market trends are weak or strong then it may become easier for you to make the right decisions in your transactions.

By getting a good picture of the situations in the market, you can easily lay down a plan for conducting a successful trade. Things would become easier for you to foresee what must be done when you have a good idea on what may happen. In this way, you may prevent making a lot of wrong choices.

Set A Time Frame For Trading
Even if the main goal of trading in the market is to merely make a lot of money, planning beforehand when you would like to get out of the game can save you from a lot of risks.

The trading industry is consistently moving, and through the transition of time, prices may evolve. Because of this, there can also be a growing exit price. Although it may be impossible to absolutely determine when you would exactly quit the market, it could be helpful if you at least place your trade in perspective and find out when you would best collect the exit price. Doing this contributes to liquidity in the movements of the market.

In order to make a successful trade, you must take into account the technical as well as fundamental factors in order to make good and informed decisions. Make sure that you use your knowledge and skills in determining a strategic plan to go about your trades. Achieving success in this industry is not as easy as it may seem, but with a little hard work, you may just get great results.

Anyone who will lead you to believe that it is easy and it is always a sure thing to make money in stock trading is being untruthful. Remember that this particular market, by nature, is a volatile and consistently moving industry. And so, you must be aware of the different trends as well as formulate a good and strong strategy to weather whatever obstacles may come.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Stocks Vs Options

In the stock market industry, the trade for stocks and stock options are often interchanged and many may be confused between the concepts behind these types of trades. However, what you should know is that these two have very different characteristics from each other, and using them interchangeably can be very lethal if you want to engage in the stock trading game.

By definition, stocks are actually shares of a particular company that can be traded through the act of buying or selling by an investor. If you happen to own a particular stock from a company, you are entitled to certain rights, which may include a profit share from earnings. You may also have the liberty to sell your share of stock if you no longer desire it.

A stock option on the other hand, is not the stock or share of the company itself, but it is actually the rights for a certain stock. It actually allows you to buy and sell company stock at a set price in a certain time period. However, you do not gain the profits from the company itself.

Take note that in doing transactions for stock options, there will always be a buyer and a seller, and this may not always hold true when compared to stocks. When you sell stock options, you are actually creating a certain degree of security for the company as well as for yourself. In this way, the parties involved can make sure that money is actually made to the frequent trade that happens.

In comparing the benefits of trading stocks and stock options, many experts would claim that stock options might be a promising gamble for companies and individuals, especially if you have adequate experience in the trading game and can substantially use very good strategies to survive. However, the same results might not be expected if you are only a beginner.

What makes a lot of experts prefer options trading is usually because in this particular trade, no matter what would happen to the underlying security, an option buyer cannot lose to more than that of the initial price paid for the rights. Therefore in trading options, there are fewer risks involved on the part of the buyer, especially when it comes to the possibility of losing a lot of money. And it may even give promises of profitable gains.

But on the other hand, the seller may experience greater risks.  There may be a possibility that one has to deliver or take deliveries of the stock shares. Unless the option is actually covered by a different option, then the seller may end up losing much more than the stock option’s original price.

And so, if you are not well skilled and knowledgeable about how you can prevent severe losses, then the best way for you to play the stocks trading game is to stick with the more traditional trading of stocks as this can be easier.

However, if you do believe that you can manage then options trading may give you many promising positive results. Just make sure that you take the time to understand concepts and strategies behind stock options before you actually start trading.

How to choose a good stock broker

 Choosing a stockbroker for trading may certainly be difficult and even overwhelming at times. But as long as you take in mind the important...